The Comprehensive Interpretive Plan (CIP) addresses five main interpretive goals of the Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites:
1. Meet major current challenges.
New and expanded interpretive strategies will help the park address the key issues that require immediate attention including declining visitation; the challenges, opportunities, and adjustments resulting from the opening of the Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center; and decreasing budgets for staff hires.
2. Build and serve new audiences.
Audience demographics are changing dramatically. The park's current primary audience is aging, and it is imperative to attract and engage new generations lacking direct experience with Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and the events of their eras.
3. Create a unified interpretive strategy.
To make the visitor experience enjoyable as well as educational, the park must increase the number and diversity of interpretive methods. Compelling themes will relate the interpretive experience to visitors' lives, tie the component sites together, and link the visitor experience inside the historic structures to the grounds and to the Hudson River Valley landscape.
4. Strengthen programmatic partnerships.
It is essential to coordinate efforts of CIP partners and external stakeholders to coordinate planning for current and future educational, interpretive, and marketing efforts.
5. Address logistical challenges.
The size and scope of the sites present a number of challenges to the interpretive experience of the visitor. Pre-visit planning, ticketing, and coordination of visits to the ROVA sites and the FDR Library and Museum are key to the success of the overall visitor experience.