Long-tailed Weasel

A weasel with white fur pops its head up from a snowy landscape.
The long-tailed weasel's fur changes colors depending on the season to camouflage it from both predators and prey.

NPS/Jim Peaco


The long-tailed weasel is a tiny but scrappy mammal that can be found in the grasslands and woodlands of Valles Caldera. This mighty mustelid primarily eats lizards, small birds, and rodents, but occasionally it will prey on animals larger than itself, lending to its reputation as a ferocious hunter. The most common weasel sightings at Valles Caldera take place near prairie dog towns, where they frequently hunt.

The long-tailed weasel is a master of adaptation. In the summer, its coat is medium brown to cream, blending in with soil, rocks, and plant life. In the winter, it turns white to blend in with the snow. In both phases, there is a black tip on the animal's tail.

Black weasel tracks on a white background.
Long-tailed weasel tracks.


  • Found in forests, open grassy meadows and marshes, and near water.
  • Eat voles, pocket gophers, mice, ground and tree squirrels, prairie dogs, rabbits; to a lesser degree birds, eggs, snakes, frogs, and insects.


  • Breed in early July and August; one litter of 6–9 young per year.
  • Solitary animals except during breeding and rearing of young.
  • Drags and rubs its body over surfaces to excrete musky scent from anal scent gland if it feels threatened, to mark territory, deceive predators, or to attract partners.


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    Last updated: January 9, 2024

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