Last updated: June 29, 2020
Lesson Plan
Kaloko Loko I'a (Fishpond) Curriculum

- Grade Level:
- High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 90 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Hawaii Standards: Strengthened Sense of Hawai‘i
Common Core Standard:
Ecological Systems—Understand the locations and characteristics of marine ecosystems.
General Learner Outcomes: Complex Thinker and Quality Producer - Thinking Skills:
- Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Applying: Apply an abstract idea in a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to a prior experience. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations. Evaluating: Make informed judgements about the value of ideas or materials. Use standards and criteria to support opinions and views.
Essential Question
Describe what fishponds were used for in early Hawaiʻi by using Hawaiian vocabulary provided and their function; learn how fishpond parts contribute to total fishpond health and why fresh water (wai), is a defining trait of fishponds.
This curriculum is for Kaloko Loko Iʻa (Fishpond) located at Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park in Kailua-Kona, on the Island of Hawaiʻi. The lessons are prepared to be place-based and intended to provide and prepare the next generation with knowledge from kūpuna (elders) with ties to the area. This traditional knowledge if not taught, practiced, and re-shared will not be perpetuated.
“Everything begins and ends with Spirit.”
– Nicole Lui, Kekaha, Kona
In the early 1970’s the kūpuna (elders) who formed the original advisory commission recognized the need to create and protect sacred places like Kaloko and Honokōhau from irreversible destruction. Their calls for protection outlined a path to rehabilitate the cultural landscape, perpetuate a culture threatened by western influence, and generate inspiration for future generations to perpetuate all things Hawaiian. Now, 46 years later the calls for concern and the need for spaces where Native Hawaiians can continue to practice our cultural values to perpetuate our cultural ways is amplified.
Read the document that created the park : The Spirit of Kaloko Document
“We take special pleasure in presenting this study, because perhaps for the first time, native Hawaiians have been able to tell their story and tell it in their own way.” -The Spirit of Kaloko-Honokōhau
This curriculum is written by Loke Aloua, a kiaʻi loko (fishpond guardian) for Kaloko Loko Iʻa. The lessons prepared in this curricula are place-based intending to provide and prepare the next generation with knowledge from kūpuna with ties to the area. This traditional knowledge if not taught, practiced, and reshared will fall to the wayside. My work echoes the call of the kūpuna for protection of this wahi kapu (sacred place) and perpetuation of all things Hawaiʻi. Particular emphasis is given to wai (fresh water). I draw on inspiration of the original advisory commission to guide us forward. They recognized the value of water (wai) and the life it gives emphasizing the protection of our watershed.
It is my prayer that this work will carry forward and lend our next generation wisdom to perpetuate our culture as they safeguard Kaloko-Honokōhau. Spirit has and continues to be a guiding force in the work carried forward by those who have responded to the call of Kaloko-Honokōhau.
Ke Aloha ʻĀina,
Loke Aloua
Kaloko-Honokōhau Volunteer Cultural Coordinator for Kaloko Fishpond
Each Lesson Plan provides instructions for the activity.
Download PDF files for Each Lesson Plan with worksheets
Lesson Hook/Preview
Fishponds are important Hawaiian Cultural Learning Areas as well as dynamic ecosystems!
User Guidelines
Users of this curriculum should familiarize themselves with the materials listed below.
1.Read the ethnographic and oral history reports available in the park library collections (see links to PDFʻs below).
Park Map
2 .Define the vocabulary words listed in each lesson using the Hawaiian dictionary and complete each lesson prior to using.
3. Participate in one lesson with a hui (family or group) member and attend a community workday at the park before using the curriculum.
Each Lesson Plan includes Vocabulary Terms and Definitions
Additional Resources
Suggested Reading:
Ii, John Papa, 1800-1870, and Dorothy B Barrère. Fragments of Hawaiian History.
Honolulu: Bishop Museum Pr., 1959.
Kamakau, Samuel Manaiakalani, 1815-1876. Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii. Honolulu:
Kamehameha Schools Press, 1961.
Kame'eleihiwa, Lilikalā. Native Land And Foreign Desires =: Ko Hawaiʻi ʻāina a Me Nā Koi Puʻumake a Ka Poʻe Haole : a History of Land Tenure Change In Hawaiʻi From Traditional Times Until the 1848 Māhele, Including an Analysis of Hawaiian Aliʻi Nui And American Calvinists. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1992.
Keala, Graydon Buddy and James R. Hollyer, 2014. Loko I’a: A Manual on Hawaiian Fishpond Restoration and Management.
Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii, 1838-1917. Hawaii's Story.Boston: Lee and Shepard.
Malo, David, -1853, and Nathaniel Bright Emerson. Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii). Honolulu: Hawaiian gazette co., ltd., 1903.
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