Functionally Related Structures: Demolition in Multiple-Building Projects

The limited circumstances in which demolition of a component of a multiple-building project may be approved are specified in Section 36 CFR 67.6(b)(5) of program regulations

Demolition of a building as part of a rehabilitation project involving multiple buildings may result in denial of certification of the rehabilitation. In projects where there is no historic functional relationship among the structures being rehabilitated, related new construction which physically expands one certified historic structure undergoing rehabilitation and, therefore, directly causes the demolition of an adjacent structure will generally result in denial of certification of the rehabilitation unless a determination has been made that the building to be demolished is not a certified historic structure as in § 67.4(a). In rehabilitation projects where the structures have been determined to be functionally related historically, demolition of a component may be approved, in limited circumstances, when:


(i) The component is outside the period of significance of the property, or

(ii) The component is so deteriorated or altered that its integrity has been irretrievably lost; or

(iii) The component is a secondary one that generally lacks historic, engineering, or architectural significance or does not occupy a major portion of the site and persuasive evidence is present to show that retention of the component is not technically or economically feasible.

Last updated: October 24, 2022