Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography scanning artifacts

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Computed Tomography (CT) scans were taken for each bone tool in the collection. This allows archeologists to examine the interior structure of the bone tools. It also forms the basis for the 3D models and 3D prints.

Manipulating 3D scan with computer software

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A color photographic overlay was placed on 3D models so that the surface of the object is visible in the model. CT scans were conducted by research partner Dr. Lori Collins at the University of South Florida.

Studying the Archeological Site

  • Vibracore in operation at the Anhinga Trail archeological site.

    SEAC archeologist, Dr. Margo Schwadron conducted a survey of a large area around the site.

  • View of bone used by the Reflectance Transformation Imaging tool
    Reflectance Transformation Imaging

    Reflectance transformation imaging is a way of photographing an object under different angles and then manipulating the images.

  • Close-up of a bobcat  skull from a comparative collection.

    Zooarcheologists study animal bones, teeth, shells, horn, and other animal parts.

  • Microscope photograph of the natural structures inside a wood artifact, EVER 89817.

    Archaeobotany is the study of plant remains from archeological sites.

Last updated: July 16, 2024