The Arrowhead Symbol is the registered service mark of the National Park Service (NPS), protected by the trademark laws of the United States (see the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §§1051--1141n, in particular §1053). Its use is further governed by part 11 of title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR). Section 11.3 of 36 CFR allows use of the arrowhead only as authorized by the Director of the NPS, and then only for "uses that will contribute to purposes of education and conservation as they relate to the program of the [NPS]. Additional protections for the arrowhead are found in section 701 of title 18 of the United States Code which specifically prohibits the unauthorized manufacture, sale, or possession of "any badge, identification card, or other insignia " of any department or agency of the United States, and forbids the manufacture of any "engraving, photograph, print or impression of any such badge, identification card, or other insignia, or any colorable imitation thereof."
How can I get permission to use the NPS arrowhead?
The NPS allows limited use of the NPS arrowhead when doing so contributes to our work.
For permission to use the NPS arrowhead, please send a request to the NPS Brand Management Team with “arrowhead request” in the subject line. Requests typically take 6 weeks to process. The following information must be included in your request:
- Reason for requesting the arrowhead
- Media type (digital/web, print, film, or a combination of media types)
- URL of site
- Mock-up of requested use
- NPS contact for project, if any
If you’ve found a website that uses the NPS arrowhead inappropriately, we’d like to hear about it. Please send the url to Office of Partnerships and Philanthropic Stewardship.
How can I get permission to use the NPS ranger uniform?
The use of the NPS ranger uniform is limited to NPS employees. Permission will not be granted for any other use.
Last updated: May 26, 2022