Sample Nominations - Additional Documentation/Boundary Increase/Boundary Decrease

Site Map of Asheville School showing contributing and non-contributing resources
Site Map for Asheville School, Asheville, NC

image courtesy of North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office

Ashville School Additional Documentation

North Carolina, Reference Number: 96000614
Area of Significance: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Education
Period of Significance: 1900-1968

The Asheville School was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. This additional documentation extends the Period of Significance to 1968; updates the inventory to change contributing/noncontributing status where needed; and documents alterations to the campus since the original nomination.
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Streetview with several storefronts
Brookings Commercial Historic District, Brookings, South Dakota

Photograph courtesy of South Dakota State Historic Preservation Office

Brookings Commercial Historic District Additional Documentation

South Dakota, Reference Number: 88000029
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance 1894-1940

This nomination is a 2020 update to a 1988 nomination where the period of significance remains the same but the inventory for each building has been revised and the context more fully developed to better justify significance under commerce and architecture. It is a good example of updating documentation for better use as a planning document. Additional documentation starts on page 175 of this 350-page nomination.
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72000867 - Church of the Holy Apostles
Church of the Holy Apostles, New York, New York

Photograph courtesy of New York State Historic Preservation Office

Church of the Holy Apostles

New York, Reference number: 72000867
Area of Significance: Architecture, Religion, Social History-LGBTQ
Period of Significance: 1846-1922; 1969-1977

Additional documentation was added to the original 1972 nomination, to recognize the role of this church in the formation and support of many early LGBT social, political, and religious activities for the community. Originally listed for its architectural significance as an important work of architect Minard Lefever (1846-48), the revised nomination now recognizes the church’s significance in Social History: LGBTQ History from 1969 to 1977, for its role in welcoming members of the LGBT community, for serving as New York City’s first LBGT community center, and for hosting meetings of the West Side Discussion Group, the Gay Liberation Front, and the Gay Activists Alliance, among the city’s earliest and most important activist organizations in the fight for LGBT civil rights. Holy Apostles also provided space, between 1970 and 1975, for three early LGBT religious congregations that were founded there: the Church of the Beloved Disciple, the Metropolitan Community Church of New York, and Congregation Beth (Beit) Simchat Torah, the first permanent LGBT synagogue on the East Coast. The establishment of places where groups of gay men and lesbians could meet openly and/or worship the religion of their choice in an era of open hostility toward them was important because these places served as sources of comfort, community, and stability for people who often lacked families or other sources of support.
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Log cabin set in wooded area
Cliffs Ranger Station, Arizona

Photograph by James W. Steeley, courtesy of Organization of American Historians

Cliffs Ranger Station Additional Documentation

Arizona, Reference Number: 100004317
Areas of Significance: Architecture, Conservation, Politics/Government
Period of Significance 1904-1968

The Cliffs Ranger Station at Walnut Canyon National Monument was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1975 as the “Old Headquarters,” with an arbitrary 200-foot-square boundary and a vague description of its design, materials, and workmanship. The Additional Documentation/Boundary Increase document renamed the building to its historic title of Cliffs Ranger Station and expanded the boundary to include its remarkably intact landscape and its many associated landscape features. The addendum also fully describes the building’s character-defining features and recent rehabilitation.
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Image of multistory buildings, roads, traffic light, and vehicles.
Downtown Athens Historic District, Georgia

Image courtesy Georgia State Historic Preservation Office

Downtown Athens Historic District Additional Documentation, Boundary Increase, and Boundary Decrease

Georgia, Reference number: 06000737
Area of Significance: Architecture, Black, Commerce, Community Planning and Development, Politics/Government
Period of Significance: 1825-1974

This nomination provides an example of describing a boundary change by combining a boundary increase and a boundary decrease.It revises the documentation for the Downtown Athens Historic District, which was listed in the National Register in 1978, and subsequently expanded through a one-acre boundary increase in 1984.
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grassy field
Oregon-California Trail Segments, Kansas

Photograph courtesy of Kansas State Historic Preservation Office

Oregon-California Trail Segments Boundary Increase/Additional Documentation (First United Methodist Church OCT Segment)

Kansas, Reference number: 16000132
Area of Signficance: Exploration/Settlement, Historic-Non-Aboriginal, Transportation
Period of Significance: 1841-1860

The original nomination was listed as First United Methodist Church of Oregon-California Trail Segment, when the Additional Documentation and Boundary Increase was submitted, the resource was changed to Oregon-California Trail Segments and the resource became a district instead of a site.
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Row of houses along a street
Oxford Historic District, Oxford, North Carolina

Photograph courtesy of North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office

Oxford Historic District Additional Documentation / Boundary Increase / Boundary Decrease

North Carolina, Reference Number: 100005974
Area of Significance: Architecture, Commerce, Industry, Ethnic Heritage: Black, Social History
Period of Significance: 1825-1967

This nomination is a good example of a “complete overhaul” of an older nomination. The original nomination dates to 1988 and did not take into account some of the areas that contain what were then considered architecturally unimportant buildings that were associated with the town’s African American population. The new nomination includes a boundary increase to include these areas; a boundary decrease to acknowledge the demolition of a large industrial complex; and additional documentation to update the older inventory. The new nomination also includes a historical context and period of significance that is more inclusive and representative of events and conditions within the district. This new nomination effectively “replaces” the older one.
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Image of fish hatchery equipment and workers.
Roxbury Fish Hatchery, Vermont

Photograph courtesy of Vermont State Historic Preservation Office

Roxbury Fish Hatchery Additional Documentation

Vermont, Reference number: 94000177
Area of Significance: Agriculture, Architecture
Period of Significance:1875-1949

Roxbury Fish Hatchery, initially listed in 1994, was updated in 2021 to acknowledge the loss of materials and changes to the landscape caused by a pair of natural disasters. The nomination provides an updated description of the surviving resources and an evaluation of the historic integrity of the property.
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Streetview with 4 single houses with yards
Shirley Hills Historic District, Macon, Georgia

Photograph courtesy of Georgia State Historic Preservation Office

Shirley Hills Historic District Boundary Increase/Additional Documentation

Georgia, Refererence number: 14000269
Area of significance: Architecture, Community Planning and Development, Landscape Architecture
Period of Significance: 1922-1967

Updated information is clearly identified in Section 5 (property classification) and Section 8 (statement of significance).
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Brick church with large pointed arch window
First Baptist Church, St. Albans Historic District

Photograph courtesy of Vermont State Historic Preservation Office

St. Albans Historic District Additional Documentation, Boundary Increase, and Boundary Decrease

Vermont, Reference Number: 100008758
Area of Significance: Commerce, Entertainment/Recreation, Social History, Politics/Government, Religion, Transportation, Architecture, Landscape Architecture
Period of Significance: 1792-1967
This very thorough nomination updates the 1980 nomination and contains a new inventory with updated resource numbering and descriptions, as well as adjustments to the boundary to both add and remove properties from the original district. This nomination provides strong examples of a revised sketch map, and re-numbered and cross-referenced inventory.
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Last updated: September 6, 2024