Consultation Resources

Contact Information for Consultation

» NAGPRA Contacts, National NAGPRA Program, National Park Service, provides voluntary contact information for museums, Federal agencies, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations. This list is voluntary and not comprehensive.

» Tribal Leaders Directory, Bureau of Indian Affairs, is a reference map showing Tribal government headquarters and Bureau of Indian Affairs regional and agency offices. The official listing of Federally recognized Indian Tribes can be found in Federal Register Notice of Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (last updated January 2024).

» Tribal Historic Preservation Offices,Tribal Preservation Program, National Park Service, provides contact information for officially designated offices with responsibility for preservation of historic properties on tribal lands. Note: Not all Indian Tribes have Tribal Historic Preservation Offices.

» Native Hawaiian Organization List, Office of Hawaiian Relations, U.S. Department of the Interior, is a Notification List to promote greater networking and articulation among all Native Hawaiian organizations.

» Alaskan Community Database, Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, is an interactive application for identifying Native Entities within the State of Alaska recognized and eligible to receive services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Search by specific borough/census areas, Native Village Corporations, Native Regional Corporations, and communities.

Resources for Identifying Consulting Parties

Note: There are many other resources available for identifying consulting parties than what is listed here. This is just a few of the many sources and options.

» Land Area & Name Directory (LAND) database, National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, is under development and will contain only information populated by Indian Tribes, representing a fundamentally different approach to a perpetual challenge.

» Tribal Directory Assessment Tool, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, contains information about Federally- recognized Indian Tribes and their geographic areas of interest. Search by street address, county, state, or Tribe.

» Tribal Treaties Database, Oklahoma State Unviersity Libraries, with support from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Interior, and Defense Legacy Program, an easy-to-use portal to access treaties, agreements, and other historical documents that have shaped relationships between tribal nations and the United States.

» Native Land Digital, an Indigenous-led Canadian not-for-profit organization, is an app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages. This app strives to map Indigenous lands in a way that changes, challenges, and improves the way people see history and the present day.

Consultation Guidance and Policy

» Department of the Interior Policy on Consultation (512 DM 4) is a mandatory policy for all DOI bureaus, offices, and officials consulting on NAGPRA or other laws. Outside of DOI, this policy may be helpful in developing policy or implementing consultation for NAGPRA, especially the "Consensus-Seeking Model" it describes. Similar to the definition of consultation in NAGPRA, the consensus-seeking model is rooted in meaningful dialogue where viewpoints are shared, discussed, and analyzed.

» Department of the Interior Procedures for Consultation (512 DM 5) provides additional guidance, including detailed procedures for planning, preparing, conducting, and making a record of consultation.

» The White House Policy on Tribal Consultation and Uniform Standards for Tribal Consultation support and expand on the requirements for all Federal agencies under Executive Order 13175 (11/9/2000). EO 13175 directs Federal agencies to explore and, where appropriate, use “consensual mechanisms" to develop regulations impacting Indian Tribes. Executive Order 13175 also establishes criteria for policy-making, including directives to respect Tribal self-government and sovereignty, honor Tribal treaty and other rights, and to strive to meet the responsibilities that arise from the unique legal relationship between the Federal Government and Tribal governments; grant Tribal governments the maximum administrative discretion possible; encourage Tribes to develop their own policies to achieve program objectives; where possible, defer to Tribes to establish standards; and determine whether to establish Federal standards, consult as to the need for Federal standards and any alternatives to preserve the prerogatives and authority of Tribes.

» Office of the Solicitor's Memo on ANSCA is guidance from the Division of Indian Affairs and Division of Parks and Wildlife, Office of the Solicitor, on the "List of Indian tribes for the purposes of carrying out the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)".

Other Resources for Consultation

» How to Complete NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA Together, presentation by Melanie O'Brien at the CalNAGPRA Workshop, August 2022

» NAGPRA Community of Practice, a supported, connected, and empowered community to facilitate repatriation, help other people engage in NAGPRA work improve implementation.

» Statistics on NAGPRA, National NAGPRA Program, National Park Service, annual data visualizations for Native American human remains reported under NAGPRA.

» TSA's tips on Traveling with Religious and Cultural Items

Last updated: May 7, 2024


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