Latino Heritage Stories of...

Latino history is American history. Latinos have played important roles in the development of the US.

From the arrival of the Spanish in the 15th century into the early 21st century, Latinos have built missions and presidios; developed ranching, agricultural, and high-tech industries; written poetry, novels, and songs; preached on street corners and from pulpits; raised families; built businesses and labor unions; and supported politicians and critical national and international initiatives.

Some trace their residency to Spanish-speaking or Indigenous forebears who lived in Mexico prior to the establishment of the US. Others arrived more recently as immigrants or refugees in the 19th, 20th, or 21st centuries. Latino stories embrace the ancient past to the modern period. Each of the topics highlighted here represents a significant aspect of the human experience, but each is only a portion of the intertwined, glorious complexity of history.

"Struggles and Triumphs" indicates that our history includes both the stories that make us proud and those that make us resolve to do better, to work harder to realize the more perfect Union envisioned in our Constitution. Engage with the stories of Latinos who shaped the nation through art, science, education, business, industrial design, civil rights, philanthropy, medicine, and many other endeavors.

Explore Stories by Topic

Watercolor painting of a colorful house with rocks of different colors and big windows.

What do we mean when we say Latino heritage? Consider the differences and similarities that makes up this shared heritage.

Mural representing humans in various forms of becoming an American.
Migration and Immigration

Discover migration and immigration stories.

Drawing on pencil of woman with short curly hair, glasses, and not smiling. The background is brown
Engaging with the Environment

Discover stories of environmental exploration and conservation.

Ice cream truck with the Virgin Mary and an American Flag painted on the side
Developing the American Economy

Discover stories of industry and resourcefulness.

A woman stands on a chair surrounded by people while speaking into a microphone with her arm raised
Shaping the Political Landscape

Discover stories of Latinos who shaped policies and institutions.

mariachi trumpeter
Arts, Culture, and Education

Discover stories of creativity and learning.

Intern looking at clipboard in desert
Science and Technology

Discover stories of ingenuity and innovation.

Front view of Simon Bolivar's statue and pedestal.
Encountering the World Community

Discover stories of transnational connections and global movements.

Last updated: July 9, 2023


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