The Department of the Interior (DOI) has made a commitment to shared stewardship of wild bison in cooperation with states, tribes, and other stakeholders. In 2023, the DOI assembled a group of staff to initiate a process to develop the Bison Shared Stewardship Strategy, a high level strategy co-authored by bureau staff and tribal members.
Where did the idea of a Shared Stewardship Strategy originate?
Directed by Secretary’s Order 3410, entitled “Restoration of American Bison and the Prairie Grasslands,” and as Action 2 of the DOI Bison Conservation Initiative 2020, the envisioned Stewardship Strategy seeks to establish a comprehensive framework for American bison restoration, including strengthening long-term bison conservation partnerships.
In October 2024, the Bison Shared Stewardship Strategy was released alongside a companion short film that features the coauthors of the Strategy.
Read the Bison Shared Stewardship Strategy >
- Duration:
- 11 minutes, 20 seconds
Ecocultural Restoration of American Bison: A Department of the Interior Tribal Bison Shared Stewardship Strategy
About the Bison Shared Stewardship Strategy Project
- Co-author nominations must include the following:
- An official letter of support from the designated leader of a federally recognized Tribe.
- A statement of interest from the nominee, which outlines the interest in, experience relevant to, and commitment to the duration of, the cooperative effort. This statement of interest will also be used as a writing sample. 2
- We envision an author panel that is comprised of 11 co-authors, who will cooperatively draft the Stewardship Strategy. The panel will include five Federal representatives named by the BWG Leadership Team; five Tribal members nominated by Tribes; and one ITBC member nominated by the InterTribal Buffalo Council (ITBC).
- In the event of a greater number of nominations than available co-author positions, the review and selection process will be managed by the Native American Liaison offices of the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- We request a 12- to 18-month commitment, which will include 3 in-person meetings (location to be determined by the co-author panel).
- The BWG will pay for travel and provide honoraria in consideration of time commitments.
- The BWG will host several virtual information sessions on this project.
- October 2023 – First rounds of Tribal virtual consultations are held.
- October 18, 1-3PM MT
- October 25, 1-3PM MT
- February 2024 – First in-person meeting for co-author panel is held.
- May 2024 – Tribal listening sessions
- May 9, 11-1 MT
- May 15, 2-4 MT
- May 2024 – Second in-person meeting for co-author panel is held.
- August 2024 – Draft of Stewardship Strategy is released for DOI bureau, Tribe, and State review.
- August 2024 – Third and final in-person meeting takes place for co-author panel.
- September 5, 10-12 MT
- September 12, 10-12 MT
- Fall 2024 – Final Stewardship Strategy is released.
Last updated: January 22, 2025