
Steam schooner dockside in 1931.
The WAPAMA in San Francisco in 1931.



Statistics (Dismantled 2013)

Overall length 216 feet
Beam 40 feet
Depth 14 feet
Gross Tonnage 951
Propulsion System Single screw propeller, Triple expansion steam engine, 825 IHP
(Indicated Horsepower)

  • Constructed in 1915 almost entirely of Douglas fir in St. Helens, Oregon by the St. Helens Ship Building Company.
  • A wooden steamship and the last survivor of the approximately 235 steam schooners that were built on the West Coast.
  • The Wapama, and similar steam schooners, transported lumber from Northern California and the Pacific Northwest, that was used to build California cities.
  • These large, wooden vessels also provided the only effective passenger service from the 1880s through the 1930s.

Click on this link for more Wapama photos and information.

Last updated: June 16, 2015

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