
Letter from Mrs William Reid to Miss Edith W. Reid (SAFR 8342)
Letter from Mrs William Reid to Miss Edith W. Reid (SAFR 8342)

NPS photo


The manuscript collection, estimated at over 5,000 linear feet, ranges in size from a single item, such as a personal letter or diary, to dozens of boxes of business records. Collection strengths include the records of maritime-related institutions and marine business, labor, and shore-based activities. The Park also has several large collections from noted historians of Pacific maritime history.

Significant collections currently available to researchers include:

  • The Alaska Packers Association Records, 1876-1945 from the last sailing ship company under the American flag
  • The American President Lines Records, 1871-1995 document the important APL, Dollar Steamship and American Mail Lines
  • Harry Dring (Ships Manager) Records, 1954-1988 are a resource for ongoing maintenance of the Park's historic fleet of vessels

Information on how to access the collection may be found in our Collections FAQ.

Last updated: June 28, 2016

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Building E, 2nd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94123


415 561-7100
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