
Volunteers at the amphibian BioBlitz
Biointensive inventories or "BioBlitzes" have become popular events to inventory large areas for biodiversity. At Crater Lake a typical BioBlitz is a 24 hour event in which teams, led by an expert of a little known group of organisms, attempt to document as many species of interest within a park. BioBlitz events have become a successful way within to actively engage the general public, citizen scientists, students, and regional ecologists in doing collaborative science in the parks that can provide valuable information to management.
"Meet the Beetles!"- July 23, 2016 we will host a BioBlitz event open to the public! We will invite expert entomologists (people who study insects), park staff, professional and amateur scientists, students of all ages, and everyone who just loves Crater Lake to come help us understand and explore the diversity and distribution of beetles (Coleoptera) at the park.

Last updated: May 19, 2017