Beach Strawberry

(Fragaria chiloensis)
Beach Strawberry
Beach Strawberry reproduces by sending out runners that sprout new plants.

Will Elder, NPS


Origin Of Genus Name: Fragaria is Latin for "fragrant."

Presidio Locations: Found on ocean beaches, dunes, grasslands and coastal prairie.

Range In State: California coast. The Presidio is the type locality for this species.

Description: This native perennial species of the Rose Family has 3 dark green, serrated, oval leaflets with a waxy surface that helps keep moisture inside the plants. From white flowers it produces small, scarlet berries similar in appearance to cultivated strawberries. This is the only plant that is grown in the park's native plant nurseries which is hardy enough to be transplanted directly from rooting medium into the field. Blooms April to August.

Native Californian Uses: Although not found in abundance, gathered strawberries were savored by the Pomo and eaten raw or dried.

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Last updated: February 28, 2015

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