The Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail is a braided network of trails between the mouth of the Potomac River and the Allegheny Highlands. The Trail corridor spans across five physiographic provinces, three states, the nation’s capital, and 20 other units of the national park system. To begin exploring the Trail corridor, click on a box below. Explore the Trail Network by Region
The Potomac Heritage Trail weaves through six distinct regions between the mouth of the Potomac River to the Allegheny Highlands. Hiking
Offering short hikes and long hikes, explore the diversity of the PHT corridor. Bicycling
Bicycling opportunities are plentiful, from routes in the Northern Neck of Virginia and Southern Maryland to the C & O Towpath and the GAP. Paddling
Throughout the PHT corridor, paddling opportunities are extensive and increasing, from day trips to overnights. |
Last updated: April 7, 2023