

The pink glow of sunrise silhouettes a small building on a hill.
Puʻuʻulaʻula is a popular spot for sunrise viewing.

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Quick Facts
Haleakalā National Park

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Parking - Auto, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Wheelchair Accessible

Puʻuʻulaʻula, also known as the Summit Observation Deck, is the tallest point in the park and on the island of Maui at 10,023 feet (3055 m). 

Make the drive up here to see the sun rising over the crater, or just to gain a greater perspective of the world around you. Weather permitting, you can enjoy sweeping 360 degree views of the crater, telescopes, west Maui mountains, surrounding islands, and the vast Pacific ocean. The summit building provides protection from the wind, while still allowing viewing opportunities through wrap around windows. Paved and unpaved paths allow guests to explore the area. 

A highlight for many folks making the journey to the summit is viewing the rare ʻāhinahina, or silversword. This particular subspecies is only found here at Haleakalā. The ʻāhinahina is an example of incredible diversifaction and adaptation--its silvery hairs protect it from the intense sunlight and help collect moisture from the moutain mist. These fascinating plants can live for 30 years or more, but they only bloom once in their lives. After unfurling a towering stalk of purple flowers, the plant dies. Do your part to protect this unique feature of Haleakalā--stay on the established trails, and do not approach the silverswords, as our footsteps can damage their fragile root system. Mahalo for helping preserve and protect our ʻāhinahina for future generations to enjoy!

Pleaes note: the observatories and telescopes on the adjacent hill are not part of the park and are not open to the public. 

Haleakalā National Park

Last updated: March 23, 2021