Advisory Committees

The NPS administers more than 20 advisory committees, boards, commissions, and councils that are subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Many are specific to individual parks; others were created to advise the NPS on Service-wide programs or projects.

The Office of Policy administers FACA requirements for park and program advisory committees. Our staff

  • offers guidance to managers and employees on how FACA applies to our management activities
  • prepares the charters that allow each committee to meet and take actions
  • prepares meeting notices and request for nomination notices for publication in the Federal Register
  • processes nominations for the appointment of committee members by the Secretary of the Interior
  • staffs and supports the National Park System Advisory Board and the Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names

The Federal Advisory Committee Act

The Federal Advisory Committee Act, or FACA, is a 1972 law that created an orderly process for Federal agencies to seek advice and help from citizens and outside experts. FACA is intended to ensure transparency and public participation with advisory group deliberations. It emphasizes committee charters, open meetings, public involvement, and reporting. The rules, policies, and guidance that flow from the law also exist to support that intent.

The law and associated rules establish what types of groups fall under FACA requirements, as well as the processes by which a FACA group is established and administered. 


This section answers the most common questions NPS employees ask about FACA and advisory committees.  

Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Resources

The NPS FACA Guide offers information about FACA committees tailored to the needs and interests of NPS employees.

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) FACA website offers information and resources to support DFOs with managing and operating FACA advisory committees, including:

  1. Federal employees who need a basic understanding of or want to learn more about FACA; and
  2. Federal officials directly involved in managing advisory committees, support staff and others involved in advisory committee management or operations.
  • FACA Database—a “one-stop-shop” for detailed FACA committee information. Scroll down the agency list to Department of the Interior (DOI) and expand the arrow. You'll see an alphabetical list of all DOI advisory committees, including NPS committees. Each entry has information about committee membership, subcommittees, meetings, topics of interest, reports, and operating costs. The database also includes information about committees that have been terminated or merged with another.
  • FACA Final Rule (41 CFR Parts 101-6 and 102-3)—regulations for administering the provisions of FACA and managing advisory committees.
  • Federal Advisory Committee Act—the legal foundation that defines how Federal advisory committees operate.

Park and Program Advisory Committees

This section provides a brief overview of the current park and program advisory committees.

Last updated: March 5, 2024