The Office of Public Health (OPH) Epidemiology Branch applies a One Health approach to working with park visitors, concessionaires, volunteers, and partners to (1) prevent disease through education, (2) detect disease transmission if it occurs, and (3) respond to cases and outbreaks in order to mitigate disease, limit impact, and prevent future occurrences. Collaboration with internal and external partners are critical to the work of our Epidemiology Branch to help ensure parks are healthy and safe places to enjoy. Many of the key partners include: National Parks, the OPH Field Services Branch, the OPH Health Promotion Branch, the National Park Service (NPS) Occupational Safety and Health Branch, the NPS Biological Resources Division, the NPS Wildlife Health Branch, NPS Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services (LESES), local health departments, state and territorial health departments, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Epidemiology Branch utilizes science-informed decision making, guided by the NPS Public Health Policy: RM-83A, while promoting the mission of the NPS to preserve our natural and cultural resources and values. Learn more about the Epidemiology Branch!

Parks are here for you to enjoy!
Explore ways to mitigate disease risks and exposures while visiting National Parks!
Last updated: November 7, 2023