Florida State University (FSU)
- FSU Department of Anthropology
- FSU Department of Art History
- FSU Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
University of South Florida (USF)
USF Libraries Digital Heritage and Humanites Collections (DHHC)
Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey of Russell Cave National Monument, Alabama
The Castillo de San Marcos National Monument Digital Documentation and Interpretation Program
Petroglyph Documentation Research in National Parks: Case Studies from Hawaii
3D Mapping Kosciusko’s Tunnels and the Star Fortification at Ninety Six National Historic Site
Fort Pulaski and the Cockspur Island Lighthouse Heritage Documentation Program
DHHC and SEAC 3D Models
University of Georgia (UGA)
- Archeological Survey at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (CRNRA)
- Archeological Investigations of Sprague Tract at Cumberland Island National Seashore (CUIS)
- UGA Center for Applied Isotope Studies (CAIS)
University of Florida (UF)
University of Central Florida (UCF)
Florida International University (FIU)
Last updated: March 10, 2020