
SEAC's mission is to preserve and protect irreplaceable archeological resources for the benefit of the American people, working with a large number of partners to accomplish our mission. These partners include federal agencies, states, universities, munipalities, and other organizations. SEAC accomplishes this by promoting heritage values globally through partnerships and technical assistance, facilitating the long-term protection and use of archeological resources in the parks of the Southeast.

Additionally, SEAC fulfills federal requirements by providing interagency support to help carry out the Secretary of the Interior’s responsibilities to other agencies for cultural resources compliance, archeological site stabilization, resource planning, public outreach, and education.

Federal Partners
Federal Partners

View SEAC's Federal Partners

Municipal and State Partners
Municipal and State Partners

View SEAC's Municipal and State Partners

University Partners
University Partners

View SEAC's University Partners

Last updated: March 11, 2020