Design & Development

A paved trail leads to a bridge with brown railing. A brown sign stands on the right side of the pavement with a trail logo on it.
A pedestrian trail sign marks El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail.

Design and Development Team

We need your help to develop national historic trail sites and segments for public use and enjoyment. Our team of landscape architects works with nonprofit organizations, private landowners, local governments, federal and state agencies, and other National Trails staff to provide four primary areas of technical assistance.

Site Planning and Design

We provide landscape architecture services in the planning, design, and construction of visitor facilities that enhance the visitor experience of trail sites and segments. Technical assistance includes:

  • Conducting design charettes
  • Concept plans
  • Schematic plans and limited construction level documents
  • Cost estimating
  • Scope of work development assistance for contracting design services

Retracement Trail Development

Retracement of the historic route of travel provides one of the best ways to understand and experience national historic trails. We provide landscape architecture technical assistance in nonmotorized retracement trail planning, layout, design, and construction. Retracement trails allow visitors to follow the historic route of the national historic trail, to the extent practicable, through varied urban and rural environments, and to imagine what the original historic travelers experienced. Technical assistance includes:

  • Trail plans
  • Field layout of trails
  • Trail construction drawings
  • Cost estimating
  • Assistance with strategies for obtaining trail construction contractors or crews

Signing the National Historic Trails

We provide the official national historic trail sign standards and web-based sign planning tool services. Contact us for help signing national historic trails in your area. We will work with you and your local road jurisdictions to develop sign plans and to purchase signs. Use these signs to help establish visibility of the national historic trails in your area.

Publicizing Your Trail Project

When projects are ready for public celebration, we can work with you to plan ribbon cuttings or sign unveilings. We have a package of official national historic trail event materials available for you including event program templates, invitations, and we will work with you to produce a news release for local and national media.

Contact Us

Last updated: March 20, 2023