Resource Inventories, Assessments and Monitoring
Effective resource management requires knowledge of the resources and their current condition, and a plan to monitor and assess change.
Goals: Identify, compile, and maintain inventories, and coordinate assessments. Complete all remaining Geologic Resources Inventory scoping meetings and mapping projects, in-progress Soil Resources Inventory maps and reports, and Geologic Resources Inventory reports for 50 parks.
Resource Impact Mitigation, Restoration, and Adaptation
Human activities and climate change disturb geologic resources and associated ecosystems, as well as related cultural resources and values.
Goals: Provide project and programmatic assistance with past, present, and future activities to mitigate impacts to resources, restore damaged resources, and support adaptive management.
Hazards Risk Management
Geologic and related hazards can impact visitor safety, park infrastructure, as well as natural and cultural resources.
Goals: The Geologic Resources Division will identify Geohazards affecting parks, and will help parks manage, mitigate, and respond to such hazards.
Law, Policy, and Guidance
Consistent application of laws, policy, and guidance is critical to effective stewardship of geologic resources and management of energy and mineral operations.
Goals: The Geologic Resources Division will continue to provide legal and regulatory support to parks, regions, networks, and directorates, as well as identify, develop, or update key NPS legislation, regulations, policy and guidance related to geologic resources, and management of energy and minerals operations.
Resource Management Planning
Planning tools are vital in order to direct current and future resource management and help address issues prior to making critical resource management decisions.
Goals: Provide targeted geologic, energy, and minerals information and reviews to NPS natural resource planning efforts, such as park-specific Foundation Documents, Resource Stewardship Strategies, Natural Resource Condition Assessments, Line Item Construction Projects, Long-Range Transportation Plans, and State of the Parks reports.
Outreach and Youth Programs
Dissemination of information to the NPS, its partners, and its visitors builds connections between geologic resources and park stories, as well as helps emphasize the relevance of geologic resource management.
Goals: The Geologic Resources Division will develop, review and regularly disseminate targeted geology-themed information and educational materials to NPS parks, regions, networks, directorates, partners, and the public. Establish and maintain a network of geology, energy, and minerals contacts in each NPS region, including communicating with new superintendents and resource managers. Sustain youth programs such as Junior Cave Scientists and Junior Paleontologists.
Last updated: May 28, 2021