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Album: Berries

Isle Royale National Park

Wild berries that can be found on Isle Royale.

12 items. Showing page 1 of 1, items 1 through 12

A hand holding ten small red strawberries.

Wild Strawberry

A small patch of currant plants and berries growing around rocks.


A long berry stem with five blue berries at the top.

Bluebead Lilly

A patch of thimbleberry plants with large white flowers and no berries.

Thimbleberry Plant with Flowers

Dark red berries in clusters, dropping down off a tree branch.

Choke Cherry

Someone holding a pink stem with white and black berries on it.

White Baneberry

Cluster of red berries surrounded by long, dark green elderberry leaves.

Red Elderberry Berry

Vibrant red berries growing in clusters surrounded by dark green and red leaves.

Highbush Cranberry

Dark red berries growing under the leaves of a rosy twisted-stalk plant.

Rosy Twisted-stalk

Dark blue, almost black berries growing near a stump.


A red berry surrounded by the large leaves of a thimbleberry plant.


A small patch of blueberries with green and red waxy leaves and small clusters of blueberries.

Wild Blueberry
