Park Etiquette: Taking Care of Ninety Six National Historic Site

Before visiting the park, please review these rules of park etiquette with your students.

Ninety Six National Historic Site belongs to everyone.
You and your class have a responsibility to take care of Ninety Six National Historic Site. This responsibility is shared with all park visitors. We would like to have everyone practice the three R's while visiting the park: Respect, Responsibility, and Reason.

Leave No Trace
This summarizes a park and popular outdoor recreation ethic that reminds everyone to be responsible for their actions and leave the park unaltered so that it may be enjoyed by future generations.

Never pick flowers, pull leaves from trees, or touch any animals in the park.
Like all National Parks, Ninety Six National Historic Site was created to protect all of its features from human disturbance. Imagine if everyone who came to Ninety Six picked flowers, there may be none left for you to see. Safety is another consideration. Some plants may be poisonous and many "cute" animals carry diseases or can be dangerous when frightened or provoked. There are places outside of the parks where collecting ecological samples may be appropriate. In our National Parks, however, all objects are to be left alone for our enjoyment and that of future generations.

Your safety is important to us, and to those who come after you.
Stay on the trails.
Have you ever heard the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" At Ninety Six National Historic Site, that means to pay attention to your surroundings, where you are walking and what you are doing so that you can prevent injury to yourself and others and prevent the need for medical care. If you were to have an accident in the park, it would no doubt ruin your day. However, it would also affect many other people. Rescue operations are very expensive and frequently endanger rescuers, inconvenience other park visitors and can completely change your group's plans.

Protect Our Resources
By following safety rules such as staying on the trail and not walking, climbing, or sitting on the historic earthworks or other archaeological resources you not only protect yourself and others, but you also protect fragile resources. Resources like the Star Fort and trenches can easily be damaged when people walk on them. Eventually this damage could cause these special sites to erode away. Help us protect these sites for future generations by staying on the trail.

Watch the weather and dress appropriately.
When touring the park, be aware of the weather. Wear appropriate walking shoes and outerwear.

Help us preserve the park for future generations.

Last updated: June 7, 2022

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Mailing Address:

Ninety Six National Historic Site
1103 Hwy 248

Ninety Six, SC 29666


864 543-4068

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