NPS Photo Fire is an important part of most ecosystems; however, unmanaged fire can cause catastrophic loss of habitat, homes, and even lives. In order to preserve the benefits of fire while reducing the drawbacks, the Natchez Trace Parkway has an active fire management program. Prescribed Fires, Fuels Management (prescribed burning and mechanical fuel reduction)
Fire Ecology (the science of fire) Fire Suppression (extinguishing wildfires) and Fire Education (public outreach) Firefighters stationed at the Natchez Trace Parkway assist with wildland fire operations throughout the Mississippi River Zone in the southeast and with emergency assignments throughout the nation. To report a fire on the Natchez Trace Parkway call 911 or call 1-800-300-PARK (7275) and report the milepost. Why Do Fire Fighters Light Fires?Using Fire to Preserve and Protect |
Last updated: September 6, 2022