
Features / Slavery at White Haven

Bill of Sale

Bill of Sale

From Frederick Fayette Dent to Emma Dent Casey
February 10, 1862

"Know all men by there Presence that J. Frederick Dent of the County of Saint Louis State of Missouri do this day convey and sell to my daughter Emily M. Casey for the sum of two thousand dollars the accept of which is hereby acknowledged four slaves Big Jefferson a black boy eighteen year old Louisa a molatness about seventeen years old and her child about one year old (Kitty) also a black girl about six years old (Lucy) all of which I convey my full right and title to the said Emily M. Casey as her property witness my hand and seal the tenth day of February 1862.
F Dent (Seal)"

Paper, ink
Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site, ULSG 53a

Last updated: 07/12/2022 15:56:46