
Binding People & Place / Inspiration

Mojave Yucca

Hinge, Blank 30 Caliber Cartridge, and Tape Measure

Joshua Tree’s rugged landscape and proximity to Los Angeles has made it a frequent presence as a backdrop of television and movie screens across the country. These objects are among the few remains from the 1969 movie There Was a Crooked Man.

ca. 1969

This hinge was likely part of one of the prison’s cell doors. Building components for the film were constructed at the Warner Brothers studio in Los Angeles and shipped to the site.

Metal. H 13.2, L 8.3, W 3.4 cm
Joshua Tree National Park, JOTR 11764

Blank 30 Caliber Cartridge
Remington Arms Company
ca. 1969

This cartridge may have been used in a 30-30 Winchester action rifle by the prison guards during the prison escape scene.

Brass. L 3.9, Dia 1.3 cm
Joshua Tree National Park, JOTR 11030

Tape Measure
Comet Brand
ca. 1969

Steel, plastic, fabric. Dia 8.5, T 2 cm
Joshua Tree National Park, JOTR 11029

Last updated: 08/02/2023 16:10:00