
Desert Peoples / New Industries

Coffee Tin

Coffee Tin

MJB Coffee
ca. 1930s

This coffee tin was found holding the 1936 location notice for the Lucky Strike Mining Claim. Other than the paper location notice, the park has little documentation on this mine and the activities of miners Chester Pinkham and C.C. Coy at the site. Getting the coffee and supplies to the site where it was found would not have been particularly easy. Until the small store opened in Twentynine Palms in 1927, the closest places to get supplies would have been limited to Banning (to the west) or Indio/Mecca (to the south) - communities that were connected to railroad lines. A supply run from nearly anywhere in the area would have consisted of a multi-day trip over rough combinations of sandy unpaved roads and routes through dry washes.

Tin. H 13.4, Dia 10.2 cm
Joshua Tree National Park, JOTR 31261

Last updated: 08/02/2023 18:07:06