Portrait of Estzan-Nap-pa
[Navajo Name: ‘Alnaabaa’, They crossed each other in opposite directions while raiding, Estzan-Lapa or Asdzaa Liba’, Gray Woman]

By Elbridge Ayer Burbank

Maternal Clan: Tábaahá [Edge Water Clan]
Paternal clan: Honágháahnii [One Walks Around Clan]
Father: Ya-otza Beg-ay [see HUTR 2033]
Mother: Tpapa-A [Maria Antonio, HUTR 1918]
Spouse: Chischilly Begay
Children: Rose Lano
Sibling: Ah-Ge-Pah, Marie Curley [Estzan-Lopa, HUTR 2012], and Mrs. Ben Wilson

This portrait was drawn of ‘Alnaabaa’ when she was 12 years old. In 1904, her parents started working for the Fred Harvey Co. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ‘Alnaabaa’ worked with her mother as a weaving demonstrator at the Alvarado Hotel. By age 5 she was weaving blankets accepted by the traders. She also taught Reishard how to weave.

Oil on canvas. L 25.4, W 19.5 cm
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, HUTR 3426