Portrait of Chief Many Horses
[Navajo name: Bílii Lání, Many Horses] 1907 By Elbridge Ayer Burbank Maternal Clan: Tsénjíkiní [Honey Combed Rock People Clan] Paternal Clan: Tótsohnii [Big Water Clan] Father: Tótsohnii Hastiin [Ganado Mucho] Mother: Unknown Spouse: Asdzaa Nééz [very young] Children: Unknown Sibling: Bééshligaii ‘Il’íní [Silver Maker, see HUTR 2044 & HUTR 1914], Hashké Yil Nááyá [He Decended in Anger], Hashké Yil Yilwol [He is running Along in Anger], Hashké Nádzá [He Returned in Anger], Bina’onil [Moving Around Her, see HUTR 2022] Hastiin Adee’lohí [The Man Who Ropes], John Sání’s wife, Hastiin Yázhí Bidaghaa’ Lání, Mrs. Chee Dodge’s wife’s mother, Haské Yil Nádzá, Bílii Bida’ Bi’ Asdzaa, Diné Tlízhinii Bi’ Asdzaa, Siláo Sání Bi’ Asdzaa. Bílii Lání was J.L. Hubbell’s best Navajo friend. He drove horses for his family and clansmen. People recollected that he would wake sleepers early in the morning and shout, “Get up! Don’t get caught sleeping by the enemies.” Many were afraid of him, but appreciated his generosity during bad times when he would butcher one of his horses to provide food. Many Horses died in 1913 near Cornfields, Arizona. Mr. Hubbell sent a wagon to Cornfields to bring his body to Ganado for burial on Hubbell Hill with the Hubbell family. Conte crayon on paper. L 38.0, W 26.7 cm Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, HUTR 1992 |