Portrait of Pestrlacia-Baad
[Navajo Name: Bééshligai Ba’áád, The Wife of Bééshligai or Asdzaa Alts’isi, Small Woman] 1908 By Elbridge Ayer Burbank Maternal Clan: Honágháahnii [One Walks Around Clan] Paternal Clan: Unknown Father: Bitsiidilkhí [Smooth Hair] Mother: Asdzaa Bínáá Libáhí [Woman with Gray Eyes] Spouse: Bééshligaii ‘Il’íní [Silver Maker, see HUTR 1914] Children: 2 children from Bééshligaii ‘Il’íní [Silver Maker], Asdzaa Dzilghá’í [Apache Woman], Asdzaa Ntl’iz Dik’á’ni, Yoo’ Hataal’í [Bead Singer], Asdzaa Nééz [Tall Woman, see HUTR 2045], T’iis Yázhí and 3 other siblings. Sibling: Unknown Pastrlacia-Baad resided at Dzilgh´í Adaajiihi’ [Apache Came Down] where she bore her ten children. Her first husband was of the Tsénjíkiní [Honey Combed Rock People or the Cliff Dwellers People Clan] clan and a leader for his people. His name was Bééshligaii 'Il'íní [Silver Maker, see HUTR 1914]. They met at Fort Sumner. He left Pastrlacia and their children for another woman. She married Haské Yil Naaya [Warrior Going Around It], the brother of Bééshligaii 'Il'íní [Silver Maker]. She bore more children for him one of which was Asdzaa Neez or Estzannez, see HUTR 2045. Eventually he left her, as well. Her third marriage was to Tsiitadiin of the Kinlichíi'nii [Red House Clan] clan. She bore four children for him. Eventually Tsiitadiin also left her. She never married again and bore no more children. Conte crayon on paper. L 38.0, W 26.7 cm |