U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Museum Collections
Photo -- See Caption Below

Bess' Grandfather Gates wrote her this letter while on vacation in New Mexico.
Paper. L 25.0, W 19.9 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 30036

Romero Ranch 5 miles from Las Vegas New Mexico

March 21st 1892

Bessie V. Wallace
Independence Mo

My dear little Granddaughter [sic]:

I was very glad to receive your letter and was surprised to see you can write so well and spell so correctly. I would like to see you in your dress with a veil [sic]. You must look cute. How was little Frank dressed for the Wedding. I suppose I ought not to call him 'little' now, he is such a big Boy since he is 5 years old. How did the Wedding go off, did Miss LuBelle look sweet?

Is Frank's dog, Major, very large. if so. I will help Frank hitch him up to a wagon [sic] and you and Frank can take a ride up town or to Kansas City when I get home. Mama and Myra expect to go home the first of next week. Maud and I will miss them, and may not stay here more than a month after they go for by that time we hope the weather will be warm and pleasant and home. So we can be with you again. I received a letter from your Uncle Frank this morning written last Friday. You must be having very cold weather for he wrote the Missouri river was frozen over. We have had delightful [sic] weather until [sic] the past week. It has been snowing a little, more on the ground now, high wind and quite cool. but very little ice. Auntie Maud caught cold and had sore throat for a day or two; but is all right now. She has improved since we left home and is looking quite well.

All of us like it here very much. We have plenty to eat. Well cooked. Plenty of Music on the Piano and lots of Books to read, large fire places and plenty of wood. So you see when the weather is bad so we cannot go out. We can enjoy ourselves in the House which is very large, much larger than our House at home. I want you and Brother to write to me often. All join me in love to Papa, Mamie, the 2 'Franks' and your dear little self.

I wish you and brother were here to night, we would have a high old romp and 'Nana' would hug and kiss both of you good.

Good night with Kisses

Yours Affectionately


or Grandpa Gates