Permits & Reservations


Battlefield Tour Reservations

Interested in booking a battlefield tour with a Park Ranger? As long as the group consists of 12 individuals, reserve your tour by filling out the Group Reservation Form and emailing it to If you have questions with regard to battlefield tours please speak to a ranger at 301-662-3515.

Interested in a Staff Ride? For information about the basic framework of a staff ride consult "The Staff Ride" by Dr. William Glenn Robertson, published by the US Army's Center for Military History.


Special Use Permits and Fees

In order to coordinate special park use events, it is necessary to require permits for certain activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, special events, public assembly, and meetings. To protect the resources and preserve the purpose of the park, permits are necessary for photography, memorialization of human ashes, collecting of research specimens, sale or distribution of printed material, and for events or services not offered to the general public. Permit applications can be downloaded through the links below.

Special Use Permit Application
Special Use Permit Short Form Application

Special Use Permit for 1st Ammendment Activities:
Special Use Permit Form for Demonstrations and Distribution of Materials

Thank you for your interest in Monocacy National Battlefield. If you have questions, please contact the Special Use Permit Coordinator at 301-331-1147 or send an e-mail with "Special Use Permit" in the subject line.

A non-refundable application fee of $75.00 is required. Payment will be arranged using an on-line government payment system.

Other costs may be incurred by the National Park Service due to a permitted event, including- charges for monitoring the event, traffic and parking control, and other associated costs. A Special Use Permit will include an estimate of these costs and the permittee will be billed for these services after the event. Permit holders must supply all equipment required for their event.

A First Amendment exception allows for small groups of 25 persons or fewer to demonstrate, or sell or distribute printed matter within the park's designated areas without a permit.

Map of Monocacy National Battlefields Designated 1st Amendment Areas
Map of Monocacy National Battlefield 1st Amendment Areas



Commercial Filming Regulations and Fees

Please see the NPS Filming and Still Photography page for current guidance.

Still Photography

When is a permit needed?

Still photographers require a permit only when:

  1. the activity takes place at location(s) where or when members of the public are generally not allowed; or
  2. the activity uses model(s), sets(s), or prop(s) that are not a part of the location's natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities; or
  3. a park would incur additional administrative costs to monitor the activity.

How do I apply for a permit?

Complete either the long or the short form filming permit. If you have questions, please contact the Special Use Permit Coordinator at 301-331-1147 or send an e-mail with "Special Use Permit" in the subject line.

Filming Permit Application Long-Form
Filiming Permit Application Short-Form

What fees will I have to pay?

A non-refundable application fee of $75.00 is required. Payment will be arranged using an on-line government payment system.

Other costs may be incurred by the National Park Service due to a permitted event, including- charges for monitoring the event, traffic and parking control, and other associated costs. A Special Use Permit will include an estimate of these costs and the permittee will be billed for these services after the event. Permit holders must supply all equipment required for their event.

Are there other permit requirements?

You may be required to obtain liability insurance naming the United States as additionally insured in an amount commensurate with the risk posed to park resources by your proposed activity. You may also be asked to post a bond to ensure the payment of all charges and fees and the restoration of the area if necessary.

What about photography workshops?

If you are planning a photography workshop, you may need a commercial use authorization. See the commercial use authorization page for more information.

Last updated: February 7, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

4632 Araby Church Road
Frederick, MD 21704


301 662-3515
Visitor Center Phone Number

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