National Public Lands Day

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Date: September 22, 2007
Contact: Linda Slater, (760)252-6122

On Saturday, September 29, 2007, Mojave National Preserve will host several activities in recognition of this National Public Lands Day.
The events will begin at 9AM at Hole-in-the-Wall Visitor Center, with a Dedication of the Rings Loop Trail. The trail was recently refurbished by volunteers from Volunteer Vacations and the American Hiking Society. We will also recognize the efforts of a second volunteer group, organized through Student Conservation Association High School Work Crew program, in repairing the Mid Hills to Hole-in-the-Wall Trail.
At 10AM, Superintendent Dennis Schramm will host a community meeting at the Hole-in-the-Wall Fire Center. Park managers will be available to answer questions and provide information about park activities.
Meanwhile, park employees and volunteers from Desert Survivors will be working all day on cleaning up campsites and repairing the road in Caruthers Canyon area.
Everyone is invited to join us at any or all of these events. Hole-in-the-Wall is twenty miles north of Interstate 40 on Essex and Black Canyon Roads.
National Public Lands Day (NPLD) began in1994 with three federal agencies and 700 volunteers. Last year nearly 100,000 volunteers worked in 1,100 locations and in every state. Now, nine federal agencies and many state and local lands participate in this annual day of caring for the public lands.

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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