Park News

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is a unit of the National Park Service administered by National Mall and Memorial Parks. News-related information about the memorial is shared on the National Mall's news pages.

Office of Communications

For all press inquires, contact the National Mall & Memorial Parks' Office of Communications by email or by calling 202-245-4676.

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General Visitor Inquiries

For general visitor questions, email, call 202-426-6841, or write to:

National Mall and Memorial Parks
900 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20024

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Social Media

Follow along the park's social media accounts @NationalMallNPS and share your story using #NationalMall.

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News Releases

News releases about the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial are generally posted on the National Mall and Memorial Parks' news releases listing. Some stories about the memorial are listed below.

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    Last updated: March 30, 2021

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    Mailing Address:

    1100 Ohio Drive SW
    Washington, DC 20242


    202 426-6841

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