Trip Ideas

Delta-01 Tour Tickets

All tours of the Delta-01 Launch Control Facility require advanced reservations. Reservations can be made on-line or by phone at 605-717-7629.

Reserve Your Tour Now

Visitors to Minuteman Missile have several options that will make for a memorable experience. Depending on the amount of time available, visitors can take in one or more of the sites in the park. The following itineraries may be helpful in getting the most out of your visit.

Before You Visit

Plan ahead and obtain an advance reservation for a Ranger guided tour of Launch Control Facility Delta-01. All Delta-01 tours require advanced reservations. Reservations must be made on-line or by phone at 605-717-7629. Reservations can be made up to 90 days prior to tour date. In the summer season tours fill up to eight weeks in advance. All tour participants must be able to be physically capable of climbing two 15 foot ladders unassisted in the event of an elevator failure.

If You Have....30 Minutes

Visit the Delta-09 Missile Silo for a self guided or cell-phone guided tour of the site.
stop in at the Minuteman Missile Visitor Center to explore the exhibits and watch the park film.

If You Have...One Hour

Stop in at the Minuteman Missile Visitor Center to explore the exhibits to learn more about the Cold War and the Minuteman Missile system and visit the Delta-09 Missile Silo for a self guided or cell-phone guided tour of the site.
Stop in at the Minuteman Missile Visitor Center to explore the exhibits to learn more about the Cold War and the Minuteman Missile system and visit the Launch Control Facility Delta-01 and use the cell-phone guided tour to walk to the main gate.

If You Have...Two To Four Hours

Explore the visitor center exhibits, visit Launch Control Facility Delta-01 and the Delta-09 silo for a self guided or cell phone guided tour of the sites.

If You Have...One Day

Explore the visitor center exhibits, use the mobile tour to walk to the gate of Launch Control Facility Delta-01, visit Delta-09 to view the missile in the silo, and visit the South Dakota Air & Space Museum.


Take A Trip To The Front Line Of The Cold War

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    Last updated: August 16, 2024

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