
Horse Sense

Biscayne National Park


[country music]

MARE: Hi, everybody, I'm Mare! (heavy southern accent)

FILLY: And I'm Filly! (heavy sourthern accent)

MARE: And we are all here at the HORSE SENSE game show

MARE: You all had a great time today. Bless your hearts!

MARE: We had a great time here at the Family Fun Fest

MARE: at Biscayne National Park, down on the farm. MARE: You learned all about those

MARE: big old loveable sea cows.

FILLY: Sea Cows?

MARE: Sea Cows.

FILLY: Sea Cows.

MARE: Sea Cows.

MARE: And we learned about "what else did we learn about?"

MARE: Sponges.

FILLY: Ah huh, sponges.

MARE: And pineapples.

FILLY: Oh, yeah, pineapples!

MARE: Pineapples.

FILLY: Hmmm, and those little creatures

FILLY: over there that are coming

FILLY: out of the shells.

MARE: The barrrrnacles!

FILLY: Yeah, the barnacles.

MARE: We learned about the barnacles

MARE: and the little ones got to play

MARE: in the dirt and plant the pineapples.

FILLY: That was so cute.

MARE: That was wonderful.

MARE: Well, we'll do the same kind of fun stuff

MARE: next month at Family Fun Fest.

FILLY: That's right.

MARE: Do you know what the theme is going to be, Filly?

FILLY: I have no idea.

MARE: Sesame Street!

FILLY: Aww, how cool is that.

MARE: It's going to be awesome!

MARE: So we'll see you there, everybody, for the last

MARE: Faimly Fun Fest of the season.

BOTH: Bye!!

[country music]


"Down on the Farm" Family Fun Fest program


2 minutes, 9 seconds


Thomas M. Strom

Date Created


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