Moore Cabin AD Tour
Tour Description The Moore Cabin, built in 1887, was the first building constructed in Skagway. It is approximately 200 sq feet and sits less than 20 feet from the much larger Moore house built ten years later during the start of the Gold Rush.
Exterior The cabin is constructed of unfinished rough-hewn logs, some still with bark. Logs extend past corners stacked log-cabin style interleaved together for strength. Roof has wood shingles and has a steep pitch. A single floor is raised on a wood plank foundation, accessed by two small stairs.
Interior - size 14 by 14 feet Simple square one room with wood floors, 6-foot ceiling, and two windows (back and left wall). About 60% of the walls and ceiling are covered with coated, period newspapers (used as wallpaper at the time). The remaining walls are wide-board wood paneled. A built in single bunk is located at the far back corner along with two wall-mounted shelves. A waist high bookshelf sits in the far back right corner. No other furniture is in the space. A small open hatch to the attic is located in back near the bunk and a second closed exterior door.
Guided, audio-described tour of the park's Moore Cabin
1 minute, 24 seconds
NPS video
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