
Welcome Virtual Junior Rangers!

Valley Forge National Historical Park


[♪ lively drum beat]

Ranger Russell: Hello Virtual Junior Rangers! Welcome to Valley Forge National Historical Park. My name is Russell and I’ll be your guide for this activity.

[ranger stands in front of the Valley Forge entrance sign]

Valley Forge National Historical Park commemorates the six-month winter encampment of General George Washington and his Continental Army.

[♪ fife joins drums]

[shots of log huts, sleeping figures near fireplace, soldiers in formation, women walking, soldiers marching, wagon wheel in mud, African American soldier raising a musket]

If you’d like to earn this Virtual Junior Ranger Badge, we have some fun activities that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

[♪ electronic bass joins fife and drums]

[a badge graphic appears, then images of web activities: image sliders, animated GIFs, page scrolling]

Alright, are we ready? Let’s go!

[♪ electronic bass swells, fife plays new melody]

[a graphic appears with three illustrations: a bird, a hut, and a monument. Become a Virtual Junior Ranger! Valley Forge National Historical Park, National Park Service]

[♪ music fades]

[graphic fades to black]


Watch the video to learn more about becoming a Virtual Junior Ranger! A transcript, closed captioning and audio description is available.


45.445 seconds


NPS Video / Gregory Purifoy

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