While the town of Seward is relatively small and walkable, the weather can sometimes make it a challenge getting around. In addition, Exit Glacier is approximately 12 miles from the Seward small boat harbor, making it not very accessible for visitors without a vehicle. During the winter, the road to Exit Glacier is inaccessible to automobiles due to a state road closure. There may be limited shuttle options or guided trips during that time. Here are a few local companies who provide transportation between Seward and Exit Glacier. These are not guided tours, but provide access to the Exit Glacier area for travelers without a motor vehicle or bicycle, such as those arriving in Seward by train or ship. This list is not comprehensive, and local businesses are welcome to email us to have their information added. Shuttle ServiceAdventure 60 North Taxi ServiceArea taxis can provide service to and from Exit Glacier as well as around Seward. PJ’s Taxi Red Taxi Resurrection Taxi |
Last updated: November 1, 2022