Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer (Coluber constrictor flaviventris)

A close up photo of a n eastern yellow bellied racer
This lightning fast snake can catch even the speediest rodent at Jewel Cave National Monument.

NPS photo

Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer
Coluber constrictor flaviventris
  • A slender, moderately long snake. Adults range from 20 to 65 inches long.
  • This is an active, agile, and speedy snake that uses its speed to capture prey.
  • This snake hunts with its head lifted off the ground.
  • This racer is primarily a ground-dwelling snake but will climb into bushes and trees to hunt.

  • Its coloration is greenish gray to brown with a pale yellow underbelly.
  • Juveniles are much different in appearance from adults, having a series of reddish-brown spots that run the lenghth of their body.

  • Their diet consists of small mammals, lizards, insects, and other snakes.
  • This snake is non-venomous and does not kills its prey with constriction.

Interactions with other animals
  • These racers fall prey to foxes, coyotes, weasels, other snakes, and most birds of prey.

Last updated: February 3, 2024

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