Park Species Lists

Native plant species, Cycas circinalis in War in the Pacific National Historical Park
Check the species lists to see if it's native, like this native Cycas circinalis in War in the Pacific National Historical Park.

One of the primary functions of the Pacific Island Network (PACN) is to work with park resources staff to develop and maintain verified, substantiated, and certified vascular plant and vertebrate species lists for each network park. The information presented in these web-based species lists are subsets of data managed in NPSpecies, which is the master biodiversity database for the National Park Service, and is the tool used by PACN for meeting this goal.

Each species list has undergone a certification process. This involves the evaluation and review of the species information by local experts who are well-versed in the biology, taxonomy, and nomenclature of species in the network parks.

NPSpecies List for Parks in the Pacific Island Network

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Visit NPSpecies for more comprehensive information and advanced search capability. Have a suggestion or comment on this list? Let us know.

Last updated: September 8, 2020