Inventory and Monitoring at Obed Wild and Scenic River

Closeup of Cumberland rosemary (Conradina verticillata)
Cumberland rosemary (Conradina verticillata) is a federally-listed species in Obed Wild and Scenic River.

NPS Photo

The Obed Wild and Scenic River encompasses over 45 miles of free-flowing rivers, including the Emory River, Obed River and two of the Obed's tributaries, Clear Creek and Daddys Creek. The park is home to 1,080 species of vascular plants and vertebrate animals, including six federally threatened or endangered species and 29 species ranked as globally imperiled. For one of the federally-listed species, Cumberland rosemary (Conradina verticillata), this park protects 75 percent of all populations remaining in existence.

The park is also one of the last remaining refuges for several critically endangered freshwater mussels, including the Alabama lamp mussel (Lampsilis virescens), which occurs at only one other site in the world, and the purple bean (Villosa perpurpurea-known from only five streams range-wide), as well as the threatened spotfin chub (Erimonax monachus).

Natural resource concerns at the Obed include water quality and quantity, critically imperiled aquatic species, rare riparian and clifftop communities, invasive exotic species, introduced forest pests and diseases, as well as intensive development and resource extraction adjacent to park boundaries. The network monitors water quality and quantity, Cumberland rosemary, cobble bar communities, rare mussels, rare fish (spotfin chub), and landscape change at the Obed Wild and Scenic River.

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Last updated: July 8, 2019