[Richmond Enquirer, July 26, 1833:] LAND FOR SALE.—The subscriber intending to move to Ohio, wishes to sell or exchange for land in that State, the Tract of Land on which he lives, lying in Louisa county, 10 miles above the Court House, and 3 from Mechanicsville, and containing by late survey 435 acres. A good portion of the above tract is low grounds of good quality, the situation as healthy as any in the country, and from the trial made, the land believed to be as susceptible of improvement by clover and plaster as the Green Springs land, to which it lies contiguous. The purchaser shall have the privilege of sowing wheat this fall. The terms and further particulars made known on application to the subscriber. WILLIAM D. GOOCH. P.S.—I intend making a trip to Ohio about the 20th August. Persons having land in that State which they wish to exchange, will therefore confer with me on the subject by letters, addressed to Mechanicsville, Louisa, Va. previous to that time. W.D.G. July 23 [, 1833]. 22—9t*
Last updated: February 26, 2015