[Richmond Enquirer, October 27, 1837:] [themes--Peopling Places; Expressing Cultural Values 1. architecture—structure types 2. landscape—feature types Valuable LAND for sale. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the county of Louisa, pronounced in the suit of Dabney and others vs. Watson and others, the subscriber will, as Commissioner under said decree, before the front door of the tavern at Louisa Court-house on the second Monday in November next, being Louisa Court day, sell to the highest bidder at public auction, a lot of land lying in the county of Louisa, in the neighborhood called the Green Springs. This lot is part of the land formerly owned by Mr. Robert Michie, and after his death, occupied by his widow, Mrs. Ann Michie, during her life. It contains, according to a recent survey made in the division of Mr. and Mrs. Michie's lands, four acres, embracing the dwelling house formerly occupied by them, together with the yard, garden, and spring. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months—for the purchase money for which, bond and good security will be required, together will a deed of trust on the land to secure it; or, if the deed of trust is not given, the title will be retained till the purchase money is paid. JOHN Z. HOLLADAY, Commissioner. Oct 10 [, 1837] 45—8t*
Last updated: February 26, 2015