Exploring the Nanticoke

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This activity connects both to the Nanticoke River in southern Delaware, one of the 27 major rivers and creeks in Delaware, and the Nanticoke Indian Tribe, one of two tribes recognized in the state of Delaware today. The Nanticoke River is part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, which is one of Delaware’s largest watersheds, and the Nanticoke Indian Tribe is currently headquartered in Millsboro, Delaware.

It is important to learn how landscapes have changed over time due to land use, and understand how humans lived with nature in the past, in order to create the best environment for future generations.

The video below is a chapter from a book which follows students Angelo, Denisha, and Titus as they visit significant places (and times!) in Delaware. History’s Mysteries is a book created by authors and illustrators across the state of Delaware and assembled by Delaware Humanities. In Chapter 2, “On the Nanticoke River”, the students are completing a science project on water quality. A strange rainbow appears that can’t be captured on camera. Titus had previously discovered what appears to be a silver bracelet, and whenever the trio encounters a new adventure a new charm appears on the bracelet. What does it mean? You’ll have to solve History’s Mysteries to find out!


Materials Needed:

  • Pencil or pen
  • Paper


STEP 1: Watch the video below!

The requested video is no longer available.


Now that you’ve heard the story about students exploring the Nanticoke River, we want you to find out about your friends or family members' connections to water.


STEP 1: Pretend that you are a reporter.
STEP 2: Grab a notebook or a piece of paper and pencil.
STEP 3: Find a friend or family member to interview with the questions below.

  • What are some of the ways that you enjoy water?
  • Where do you enjoy water?
  • Is there anything that you do to conserve or protect water?

(optional) STEP 4: If you can interview a second person, it’s great to have multiple perspectives.
STEP 5: Then write a short newspaper article with your findings about how they enjoy water.


As we’ve been thinking about water, do you think anyone can own water? What would ownership mean? Would ownership also mean responsibility for the health of the water and watershed?


Thank you to our partners!

This program would not have been possible without the time and dedication from the staff at the Delaware Humanities. Big thanks to everyone who helped create this experience.

Last updated: May 11, 2021

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10 Market Street

New Castle, DE 19720


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