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New Zealand


Pohutu erupts on the North IslandFive geyser fields with as many as 200 active geysers once existed on New Zealand’s North Island. Many geysers have been destroyed by human activity and geothermal developments. In addition, the Rotomahana geyser field was destroyed by the 1886 eruption of Mt. Tarawera. The North Island is still home to several dozen geysers including Pohutu and Lady Knox Geysers.

Waimangu in New Zealand

The tallest known geyser in the world once existed on New Zealand’s North Island. Waimangu Geyser began erupting in 1900, throwing a column of black mud between 525 feet (160 m) to 1,640 feet (500 m) high. It erupted periodically for four years until a landslide created changes in the surrounding water table. The hydrothermal system in Waimangu Volcanic Valley was created as a direct result of the eruption of Mt. Tarawera on June 10, 1886. The valley, preserved as a New Zealand Scenic Reserve and Wildlife Refuge, protects rare geothermally adapted plants and unique hydrothermal features, including Frying Pan Lake, the largest hot spring in the world.

Next Area: Russia

Drawing of the outside of the visitor center
Young Scientists
Yellowstone Express
Why Geysers Erupt
Hot Water Treasures
Hot Spring Ecology
Scientific Research

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