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Another Eruption?

Is another major eruption possible? Yes, in fact, it's likely. Is it imminent? Before you answer, read on.

There is still partially molten rock as little as 5 miles (8 km), below Yellowstone National Park and two areas where “fingers” of magma are aimed towards the ground’s surface. The heat from these “fingers” causes the overlying land to uplift in two large bulges. The bulges resemble hills, but are called resurgent domes. The Sour Creek Dome is near the northeast side of the caldera, while the Mallard Lake Dome is in the vicinity of Old Faithful.

Map of Yellowstone shows location of two resurgent domes

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Drawing of the OFVEC
Young Scientists
Yellowstone Express
Why Geysers Erupt
Hot Water Treasures
Hot Spring Ecology
Scientific Research

This work is supported by

National Science Foundation    Yellowstone Park Foundation

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