Scotty's Castle Flood

Damage to Scotty's Castle Road
The flood washed away sections of the road near Scotty's Castle and historic fence posts. The picture shows a National Park Service employee for scale.

NPS photo

Unprecedented Rainfall

On the night of October 18, 2015, Scotty's Castle received 2 3/4 inches of rain— a year's worth of rain within a mere five hours. This followed a half-inch of rain the day before. The rain and hail fell on the steep slopes of Grapevine Canyon and quickly caused a flash flood of mud and rocks headed towards Scotty's Castle flowing at an estimated 3,200 cubic feet per second.

That night, park dispatch received word that visitors were stranded by flooding near Ubehebe Crater. Park rangers evacuated Mesquite Springs Campground and sheltered in place with 20 visitors at a high point on the rim of Uhehebe Crater. That night a park ranger watched power poles and metal dumpsters float out of Grapevine Canyon—an initial indicator of the flood's impacts.

Two people wearing uniforms and reflective vest stand looking at a fully burned to the ground building.
Two NPS employees look at the charred remains of the historic Garage building, which was used the site's visitor center.


What is taking so long?

As of this update (11-15-2024), Scotty's Castle is expected to be fully reopened in fall 2026. This is due to funding challenges, compliance with laws to protect historic and natural features, contracting issues, unforeseen conditions, the pandemic, and a fire. These challenges compounded each other. For example, when contract bids on a large project all came in more than one million over our budget, that project got delayed a year while we tried unsuccessfully for a lower price, then secured additional funding.

Funding challenges

The repairs cost about $66 mlllion. Park managers split the work into separate projects for funding reasons. Generally, the NPS formulates funding for large projects three to five years in advance. This meant Death Valley NP needed to postpone previously planned projects.

Fund source: NPS emergency contingency

The National Park Service holds some money in contingency every year for emergencies that happen anywhere in the hundreds of NPS units. Death Valley National Park received money from this emergency funding for the most time-sensitve needs. These incuded: initial road access to rescue stranded employees and park visitors at Ubebehe Crater, Mesquite Springs Campground, and Grapevine; curators and conservators traveled to the park to stabilize water-logged historic artifacts; and site security.

Fund source: Federal Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has funding for large-scale damage done to federally-owned roads through the Emergency Relief for Federally Owned (ERFO) Roads program. This program paid for the rebuilding of 8 miles of Bonnie Clare Road (aka North Highway).

Fund source: Donations

Donations are mainly paying for conservation of musuem artifacts, such as the leather curtains that hang in the Great Hall and the magnificient theater pipe organ. Donations are being accepted by the park's nonprofit partner, the Death Valley Natural History Association (DVNHA).

Fund source: User recreation fees

Death Valley National Park collects about $4 million each year from entrance fees, sale of passes, and camping fees. 80% of this money is retained in the park and can only be spent to provide direct benefit to park visitors. (The other 20% goes to a national pool of funding for projects that benefit visitors in smaller parks.) This is authorized under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA). Park visitation has been reduced since the COVID-19 pandemic (largely due to reductuion of international travelers in the summer), which has reduced the park's available recreation fees for Scotty's Castle projects. Meanwhile, everything got more expensive during and after COVID. Death Valley is using recreation fees to pay for the following aspects of Scotty's Castle recovery: construction of large berms to protect the site from future flash floods, replace the parking lot, replace pedestrian walkways, repair the Longshed building, repair storm damage to Scotty's Castle main house, repair storm damage to the Chimes Tower, replace destroyed sections of the historic concrete fence visible along the road, stabilization of the Gate House/Bridge, off-site storage of the historic furniture, and landscaping.

Fund source: NPS Line Item Construction

The National Park Service has a Congressionally-appropriated fund source known as Line Item Construction, which is intended for the largest projects across the NPS. Typically, a park like Death Valley could hope for one Line Item Construction project funded every 5-10 years. Two Scotty's Casltle projects got funded this way: repair of the historic Garage (in use as Visitor Center) and replacement of the flood-damaged heating, ventillation, and AC system for the Castle's main house. These projects together were about $15 million.

Fund source: NPS Repair/Rehabilitation

The Repair/Rehab fund source is also Congressionally-appropriated. Projects must cost under $2 million to be eligible. In order to qualify for this fund source, park managers split projects into discrete subprojects that were funded and contracted separately. For example, water system repairs were done in four projects: 1) temporary water line on the surface that only serviced the fire risers, 2) replace 4.000 feet of water main from the spring to the historic campus, 3) replace the destroyed spring gallery and historic water tank, and 4) replace/repair damaged supply lines within the campus. This fund source is also paying for 3 projects to replace the destroyed sewer lines, septic tanks and leach field; 2 projects to repair damaged electrical system components, 2 projects to replace damaged communiciations and alarm system, and repair the historic Hacienda building (which had two employee apartments and staff offices).

Unforeseen Conditions

Some issues only became apparent once repair work started. Some of these new-found issues meant new funding proposals needed to be written. Others meant that contracts needed modification. For example, park managers didn't know there was damage to the sewage collection pipes until after the water main was repairs so the pipes could be tested.

Another example is that the wall studs in the historic Garage were so rotted that they didn't touch the ground. That building was partially being held up by the exterior stucco! When the construction contractors opened up the walls to 'sister' new studs next to the original ones, they found that the original studs didn't have a smooth, flat suface to attach to. Back in the 1920s, the workers putting the stucco base coat on the building let globs attach to the sides of the studs. The contractors didn't think they could chip those globs off without accidentally damaging the remaining original stucco on the building exterior. The NPS project manager decided the lesser evil would be to sister the new studs on the interior side of the original studs, thickening the walls. However, this would be a significant change to a contributing feature of a historic building in district listed on the Natioanl Register of Historic Places. This required consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).


Collateral impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted Scotty's Castle timeline. Contractors and NPS personnel were affected by the illness directly and by pandemic travel restrictions. The disruption of the global supply chain meant key items were not available, or were delayed by many months. It took 4 months to get a large, sturdy tarp to cover the contaminated ash left behind by the Garage fire. Operations halted during this time because wind was blowing around fine ash containing asbestos and heavy metals. Contract costs consistantly came in higher than expected, possibly related to the 'Great Resignation'. At the same time, park revenue was reduced by a significant drop in international tourism.


On April 22, 2021, contractors arrived at Scotty's Castle to find the historic Garage completely on fire and flames were spreading the historic Longshed. Historic buildings are uniquely vulnerable when they are being worked on. This project was 60% complete. Ironically, one of the upgrades being done while flood damage was being repaired was to install fire sprinklers.

Compliance with NEPA and NHPA laws

Any project using federal funds or taking place on federal lands needs to be reviewed to mimize impacts to historic features, sites important to local tribes, impacts to rare and threatened species, and more. This is required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

Park managers did two Environmental Assessments under NEPA, which included public comment periods.

NHPA requires consultation with local tribes (especially the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe) and the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), which is part of the California Office of Historic Preservation. Generally, these reviews take 120 days, but in the case of the historic Garage (modern Visitor Center), this review took 26 months due to the scale of the changes NPS project managers wanted to make to the building to protect it from future floods.


Progress of Repairs

Gray rocks in wire baskets compose a large flood-protection berm. A historic building with a red roof can be seen in the distance.
This berm is the largest of the flood control structures built after the Scotty's Castle flood.


  • Flood Control

    The previous earthen berms washed away in the 2015 flood. Newly engineered flood control structures were necessary to protect the historic district from future floods.

    COMPLETED 2019: Numerous small flood control features were included in the redesign of Bonnie Clare Road.

    COMPLETED 2020: Large berm lined with rock-filled gabion baskets was constructed upstream of the water system's source.

    COMPLETED January 2023. This project was funded by user recreation fees (entrance and camping). This installed a large earthen and gabion basket berm on the uphill side of the historic district, a small flood wall behind the Hacienda, a small flood wall behind the Cook House, and a concrete-lined ditch behind the Stables.

    These flood control structures successfully protected the historic district from damage during flooding caused by the remnants of Hurricane Hilary on August 20, 2023.
Flood-damaged exterior wall
The flood forced its way into a storeroom in the back of the Scotty's Castle Visitor Center and pushed out this wall from the inside.

NPS photo

  • Visitor Center (historic garage/longshed)

    The most severely damaged historic building was the garage/longshed building. This large L-shaped historic building has a breezeway connecting the garage, which functions as the site's Visitor Center, and the longshed, which contained staff offices, first aid room, and the historic chicken coop. The flood broke through windows, doors, and walls. The flood left four feet of mud and rocks inside the building.

    An architectural/engineering firm designed repairs. In October 2019, the National Park Service and the California State Historic Preservation Officer signed an agreement on how to mitigate impacts to the historic building by a proposed widening of the breezeway door (to allow floods to pass through the breezeway instead of breaking into the L-shaped building) and a proposed flood wall.

    Repairs to the garage were 60% complete when it was completely destroyed by a fire in 2021. Death Valley National Park conducted a value analysis to determine the course of action that most benefits the historic district and visitors. It was determined that reconstruction would be the most appropriate response to fulfill the future needs of Scotty's Castle Historic District. However, this has not been approved by the NPS-wide board yet, and is not under consideration for funding.

    In the meantime, the park plans to adapt the historic Gas Tank House to be a small visitor contact station. Some aspects of this work have been contracted, while others still need to be put out to bid as of November 2024.

    The longshed had severe flood damage and minimal fire damage. Repairs have been designed, and consultation is in progress with the California
    SHPO. The park hopes to put the repair contract out to bid in FY2025.

The historic concrete bridge is seen in the background, viewed from the east side. In the foreground is an extensive area covered by articulated concrete blocks.
Albert Johnson planned for this bridge to be the formal entry to Scotty's Castle. The  articulated concrete block will prevent undercutting by future floods.

NPS photo

  • Historic Bridge

    The bridge created a pinch point for the flood, which caused the water and debris to rush under the narrow bridge span like water rushing through a hose when pinched. The ground under the bridge and around its foundation was scoured down by about 8 feet. Articulated concrete block and other erosion-control features have been installed upstream and downstream of the bridge. Soil has been backfilled over the erosion control devices, so vegetation will disguise them.

an unpaved road with gravel and boulders at the edge
K-rail was buried next to the road edges, and revet mattress made of interconnected cages filled with rocks add further protection from future flood damage.

NPS / Lou Rogers

  • Bonnie Clare Road

    The flood destroyed most of the 8-mile-long Bonnie Clare Road Road (aka North Highway or Scotty's Castle Road). Bonnie Clare Road is closed from the park boundary (where it becomes NV-267) to the junction of North Highway and Ubehebe Crater road near Grapevine Ranger Station. Federal Highway Administration redesigned the road to increase its resistance to future floods.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED. However, Bonnie Clare Road will remain closed to the public until safety hazards from other construction projects are done.

    REDAMAGED: Bonnie Clare Road was re-damaged by flash flooding caused by an atmospheric river in January 2023. One lane had pavement undercut and broken for about 250 feet. The rest of the road weather the storm (and remnants of Hurricane Hilary in August 2023) very well due to the armoring that was added after the 2015 flood. This road will be repaired during the Federal HIghway Administration contract to repair and armor park roads due to Hilary damage. This contract started in November 2024, and should be completed by May 2025. However, Bonnie Clare Road will remain closed to the public until safety hazards from other construction projects are done.
a concrete post with a j and 2019 writing
Reproduction fence posts have been marked with the year to differentiate them clearly.

NPS / Abby Wines

  • Historic Fence

    Albert Johnson marked his property boundary with straight lines of concrete fenceposts stamped with a "J" (for Johnson) and "S" (for Scotty, perpetuating the myth of Scotty's Castle). Over a mile of concrete fence posts were washed out. The section of the fence adjacent to Bonnie Clare Road has been reproduced and installed by the same contractors who rebuilt the road. Condition assessments are underway for the damaged portions of the fence not adjacent to the road.

    REPAIRS PARTIALLY COMPLETED. The portion of the fence adjacent to Bonnie Clare Road has been repaired. The portion not adjacent to the road is not on an immediate workplan.
a pipe being placed in a trench
Replacing the main water pipe.

NPS photo

  • Water system

    The spring house, one of two reservoirs, and the 4,000-foot pipeline were destroyed.

    TEMPORARY FIX: A temporary water line was installed by August 2016. This was done to supply water to fire sprinklers in the historic buildings. Unfortunately, the garage and longshed did not have sprinklers.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: The water main pipe was replaced from September 2019 to summer 2020. This included two sections of directional drilling to connect to a waterline installed under the newly-armored Bonnie Clare Road.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: Replacement of the destroyed spring collection gallery and reservoir tank was done in 2022.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: Repair and replacement of damaged water distribution pipes was completed in October 2024.
a pool by a castle, filled with brown water
The castle pool was never competed, but filled many feet deep with mud and debris during the storm.

NPS / Abby Wines

  • Historic Pool

    Was filled with mud and water, requiring removal by heavy equipment and hand tools.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED January 2016.
people in safety vests digging mud from around a building
Deep mud and debris was left around many buildings, including the Longhouse.

NPS photo

  • Landscaping

    Mud and rocks up to four feet deep surrounded several buildings and covered the parking lot and picnic area. Pedestrian walkways were damaged.

    REPAIRS PARTIALLY COMPLETED: Debris has been removed by trail crews and fire crews loaned from other national parks. Work is still needed on specific features like the watercourse, but hundreds of dumptruck loads of debris have been removed.

A wooden cross arm hangs from power lines with no pole beneath it.
This photo is of one of the 23 power poles that washed away. That repair was done by Southern California Edison (SCE). The electrical work that the National Park Service needed to do within the historic district wasn't very photogenic.


  • Electricity

    Over 20 power poles were washed away. Lack of power and HVAC threatened the historic objects within the castle, which were removed for safe keeping.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: Southern California Edison replaced the power line to Scotty's Castle by March 2016.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: Phase 1 (of 2) of power distribution work within the historic district was completed in summer 2020.

    REPAIRS COMPLTED. Phase 2 of the electrical repairs copmleted in June 2024.
A pipe sticks out of the same of a vertical dirt wall.
This photo shows how erosion exposed part of the leach field in the wastewater treatment system. Flooding also washed rocks into sewer pipes, completely blocking them.


  • Sewer

    The leach field and septic tank were destroyed by the flood. Pipes that collect and transport sewage to the septic tank were clogged with rocks and damaged.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: the leach field and septic tank were replaced in 2020.

    REPAIRS COMPLETED: a related project to damaged wastewater collection pipes within the historic district was completed in June 2024.
Gray pipes in a dirt trench surrounded by tan-colored historic building with a red roof.
Work is shown in progress to lay hydronic pipes in a trench from the Stable to the Main House (aka Scotty's Castle). The hydronic pipes will carry cooled and heated water to the Main House and return feeds back to the Stables. A cooling tower, boiler, and chiller will heat and cool the liquid.

Tepa Companies

  • HVAC for Main House

    Outside temperatures at Scotty's Castle range from 15 to 115 degrees F. Temperature and humidity fluctuations cause damage to museum collections, especially organic materials such as clothing, wooden furniture, and woven Timbisha Shoshone baskets. The Main House was heated and cooled by individual HVAC units in the basement, which weren't able to maintain a stable temperature for the musuem collection's preservation. Those units were also discharging large amounts of chlorinated water into the desert, in violoation of water codes. Several of those machines were damaged during the flood.

    REPAIR COMPLETED: A cooling tower, chiller, and boiler were built in and behind the historic Stables. Hydronic pipes were installed in trenches and in the historic tunnels that carry heated and cooled liquid to air handlers in the Main House basement that will provide climate control for the building interior. Completed October 2024.
Lamps sit on the left and right of a wooden table in the foreground. Leather couches and a fireplace are in the background.
The rooms in the historic house museum were filled with the original owners' furniture, rugs, dishes, books, clothing, etc. All of these historic items are temporarily stored outside of the park until the site has adequate fire suppression and air conditioning. This is the Great Hall.

NPS/Bob Greenburg

  • Museum collection

    139,000 archives, furnishings, and other artifacts are threatened by lack of heating, air conditioning, humidity control and fire suppression. The museum collection has been moved to temporary storage away from the park.

    PENDING: The museum collection will be returned to display in the Castle after the HVAC is replaced.The portion of the historic collection that was previously stored in outbuildings cannot be responsibly returned to Scotty's Castle due to flood risks. The park is seeking long-term storage options.
A two-story stucco-walled building with a red tile roof.
Hacienda building


  • Hacienda

    This historic building serves as staff housing (top floor) and staff offices (basement floor). Damaged due mud up to four feet thick that was deposited inside the building. An architectural/engineering firm designed repairs and the California State Historic Preservation Office concurred with the designs.

    COMPLETED: winter 2021/2022.
A massive two-story stucco building with red tile roof and a tower.
The main house and annex (commonly referred to as "Scotty's Castle").


  • Scotty's Castle (Main House & Annex)

    The roof leaked in several places, allowing moisture into the building.

    REPAIRS PARTIALLY COMPLETED: Minor repairs have taken place; more are needed.

Flood Photo & Video Gallery

a spanish style building with damage
Flood Recovery Videos

A video series highlighting the work done following the flood and fire.

a spanish style villa in a desert setting
Scotty's Castle History

Learn more about the history of the castle and the masterminds behind this architectural wonder.

lavish decor of tile and wood inside the castle
Flood Recovery Tours

While the castle remains closed for repairs, limited tours are available with advanced reservation.


For More Information:

General history of Scotty's Castle.

Scotty's Castle Environmental Assessment
Bonnie Clare Road Environmental Assessment


Last updated: November 15, 2024

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P.O. Box 579
Death Valley, CA 92328


760 786-3200

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