Sex: Male Date of Birth: August 19th, 2018 Sire: Luchta Dam: Annie (retired from Denali 2021) Siblings: Elsie,Gladys, Nucha Litter Theme: Alaska Youth (Alaska schools submitted names for this litter)
Pronounced “Cuss-kō” Named by students at the Kuskokwim School in Nikolai, located at the northernmost section of the Kuskowim mountains. Residents have been using the lands and resources in what is now Denali National Park since long before the park was established in 1919. Current Weight: 86 pounds Current Patrol Miles: 7,504 Current Miles in Lead: 243 Most likely to: stand his ground
907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.